Thank you for choosing The EMDR Academy to provide your EMDR accredited training.
You will be emailed a copy of these joining instructions along with your confirmed dates for your records.
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Please watch the video and then read the below information, as well as, the relevant training part carefully, to help you prepare for the EMDR training. You can click on the subheadings below (Tabs) for more information
Training Hours And Format
The training format will be strictly in line with the training standards of the EMDR European Association for Accredited EMDR training. This equates to teaching (minimum 24 hours), supervised practice (minimum 18 hours) and clinical supervision (minimum 10 hours).
Each training day begins with registration at 08:45 and teaching commencing at 09:00 and ending at 17:30. There are 30-40 minutes allocated for lunch and 2 short breaks during the day. We also ask that during the training you respect the break times of the trainer and pose questions during the breaks to the training facilitators.
It is essential that all delegates attend for the full day over each of the teaching days. The course is intensive but this is required to cover all the necessary material and also to achieve the required training and teaching hours as laid down in the European EMDR Association Training Criteria.
Late attendance, missed sessions and leaving early (no matter the reason) will mean you will not receive the final training certificates.
Transport, work commitments and childcare should be arranged accordingly. An important point we want to stress to delegates is that we strongly encourage you to find an EMDR Consultant to supervise you once you have finished the training. If you work with complex cases we would encourage you to find an EMDR Consultant during the training.
Your EMDR course is a psychotherapy training and not a workshop, therefore, participation in the practical components are an essential part of you completing the training.
It is very important to stress that ALL delegates must have access to 3 suitable clients during the training. You should have at least one in mind to begin using EMDR with straight after your Part 1 training. This is so you can begin using EMDR therapy over the training parts and receive clinical supervision from the trainers on these cases during the training days.
The delegate is asked to work with at least 3 clients by the end of Part 4. This has to include clearing / treating 1 trauma / distressing memory per client. This way the delegate can experience all the phases of the protocol with each of these 3 clients. Your certificate will be withheld if you do not work with your 3 clients by the time you get to Part 4, and your clinical supervision hours will not count if you do not bring a clinical supervision question.
3 clients is the absolute minimum acceptable to gain the necessary experience of the model. The more clients you can work with will really help embed the approach within your therapy toolbox before completing the training. Delegates who struggle to work with 3 clients also have a much higher chance of not continue using EMDR therapy post-training.
If you only work with children these should be adolescents and emotionally mature older children. This is generic training and modifications to adapt to working with children will not be covered in the basic training, therefore, please make sure you choose clients that you will be able to deliver the standard protocol. It is then good practise and highly recommended that you then attend an EMDR Accredited Child Training following your basic accredited training if you regularly work with this client group.
Some delegates find that they work with only complex trauma clients or young children. This can often be a clear barrier when choosing your clients during the training. We do strongly recommend that you start with the most simple clients possible whilst you are a trainee. However, if you only work with complex cases then we will support you as best we can if making modifications because, like any psychotherapy training, you cannot complete the course without using it in your clinical practice.
We strongly advise you to consider this point and make suitable arrangements for accessing clients before booking, because it is the most important aspect of the training.
Delegate Participation (Supervised Live-Practice)
There is a requirement during Part 1 and Part 3 of the course for you, the delegate to work on some of your own (minor) disturbing memories from your past. It is mandatory and you must spend time as a therapist and as a client. You must complete all the practicals to complete the training and understand the model.
These are not "role-play" and are not optional, but an essential component of the training to experience being the therapist and a client. We ask for professionalism and medical confidence and respect at all times.
We strongly advise during the practicals that you DO NOT work with somebody you know very well (e.g your best friend or your line manager).
Please make sure your memories have nothing to do with a close family member as these are often too highly charged to work with within a training environment. A childbirth memory is an exception here (please check with the team first).
You must prepare a minimum of 2 memories of your own personal material - you CANNOT role play this.
These memories should be at a current subjective unit of distress (SUD) level of around 4-5 out of 10 (where 0 is neutral and 10 is the highest distress, 3 is too low, and 7 is too high). It should be an old distressing life event that still holds some emotional charge. We encourage you to write a few memories down as you may clear a memory quickly and move on to another.
Examples are RTAs, accidents, injuries, illnesses, school experiences including mild bullying, bad clinical experiences, memories of problems at work (managerial conflicts), death of pets, past relationship difficulties (as long as not too serious), negative comments from colleagues/ friends, social humiliation memories, childbirth difficulties etc. These are examples and not exhaustive.
This supervised live practice is one of the most important and rewarding parts of the training. Our facilitators will support you as best they can. It is a learning environment so we ask that respect is given to your partner and the team during the whole training.
Delegate Participation (Clinical Supervision)
In Part 1 we provide 2 hours of group supervision to help commence your EMDR clinical work as soon as possible following the training. This group supervision is about preparing potential clients, so please come with potential clients in mind.
Delegate Participation (Clinical Supervision)
Online 4 Hour Group Clinical Supervision with an EMDR Consultant (0845-0900-1330hrs)
You will be emailed your Zoom link the week before. Please click on this at 0845 on the clinical supervision morning. You must bring a clear clinical supervision question about the client/s you have been working with since Part 1.
The more clients that you can work with, the more you will get out of the training and be able to support your partner/group on the training.
If you do not present a client that you have processed a memory with during the clinical supervision time in Parts 2 and 3 then this cannot count towards your supervision hours. As such you will not meet the course completion criteria as set by EMDR Europe.
If you have not achieved this and want to continue with the course you must arrange your own clinical supervision hours from an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant at your own expense.
If you did not get to processing by the time of Part 2, then you would need to source 4 hours extra supervision from an EMDR Consultant. If you still have not moved to processing with your clients by Part 3 then you would need to source 8 hours EMDR consultant supervision. This can be group or individual but has to be with an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant and involve discussing all phases of the 8 Phase EMDR Therapy protocol during these hours.
There is a clinical supervision template attached below to help assist you with your question on the day.
Delegate Participation (Supervised Live-Practice)
Like in your Part 1 training, you will have to work on your own memories during 2 practical sessions.
These are not "role-play" and are not optional, but an essential component of the training to experience being the therapist and a client. We ask for professionalism and medical confidence at all times.
There will be 2 practical sessions during your Part 3 training.
You will work on 2 other memories/ issues. One will use the Standard Protocol and the other will be a variation of this. The team will guide and support you.
You must prepare a minimum of 2 memories of your own personal material - you CANNOT role play this. These 2 memories will be in addition to the 2 who worked on during Part 1. Like Part 1, these memories should be at a current subjective unit of distress (SUD) level of around 4-5 out of 10 (where 0 is neutral and 10 is the highest distress 3 is too low, and 7 is too high). It should be an old distressing life event that still holds some emotional charge. We encourage you to write a few down as you may clear a memory and move on to another.
Examples are RTAs, accidents, injuries, illnesses, school experiences including mild bullying, bad clinical experiences, memories of problems at work (managerial conflicts), death of pets, past relationship difficulties (as long as not too serious), negative comments from colleagues/ friends, social humiliation memories, childbirth difficulties etc. These are examples and not exhaustive.
Supervised Live experience is one of the most important and rewarding parts of the training. Our facilitators will support you as best they can. It is a learning environment so we ask that the utmost respect is given to your partner and the team during the whole training.
Delegate Participation (Clinical Supervision)
Online 4 Hour Group Clinical Supervision with an EMDR Consultant (0845-0900-1330hrs)
You will be emailed your Zoom link the week before. Please click on this at 0845 on the clinical supervision morning. You must bring a clear clinical supervision question about the client/s you have been working with since Part 3. There is a clinical supervision template below to help assist you with your question on the day.
You must have worked with 3 clients by this stage of the training.
If you still have not moved to processing with your clients by Part 3 then you would need to source, at your own expense, 8 hours EMDR consultant supervision. This can be group or individual but has to be with an EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant and involve discussing all phases of the 8 Phase EMDR Therapy protocol during these hours.
Please do get in touch with us if you are in the 1st or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This is because you work on some of your own memories during the course which may increase your emotions and you may find upsetting or cause distress. We often have delegates that are pregnant and attend the course. We advise those that they do so purely at their own risk because they will still have to work on their own material during the course as an essential part of the training. If they still attend we then advise them to work with easier / safer memories.
We recommend that during the training you DO NOT book in clients or any other work in the evenings. It is important that you rest and come to the training feeling well rested so you are motivated for the course.
Please also inform us, by email, prior to the training if you suffer from vertigo, inner ear problems, migraines, epilepsy or any other health conditions you think may impact on your training experience.
EMDR Basic Protocols, Principles and Procedures (3rd ed, 2017) by Francine Shapiro. We do not expect you to have read the whole book, but the first 3 chapters are useful especially history taking. We then give you directed reading to specific chapters of this book throughout the training.
At the end of your Part 1 & 2 you will be emailed a feedback survey and then sent your training certificate will automatically be sent. After your Part 3&4 you will be emailed a feedback survey and then sent your training certificate will automatically be sent. There is a question for you to confirm working with clients that will prevent this being issued straight away-if this is the case please email us when you have worked with clients and we will issue the final training certificate.
We draw your attention closely to our
particularly our cancellation policy.
No refunds will be made if the cancellation periods are not adhered to (even when your non- attendance is due to sickness or bereavement). If you are sick during the training or have to leave for any other reason you will have to rebook/pay on that training part, it is not possible to only attend the days missed due to this being an EMDR Europe Accredited Course that requires ALL the hours to be completed.
The EMDR Academy reserve the right to remove you from the course and refund your fees for remaining parts if they deem that you are not suitable for the training. This is not a workshop but an an accredited psychotherapy training course that has mandatory completion requirements (i.e., attend all aspects, complete all the practicals, input into supervision and work with 3 clinical cases). Our accredited training team have a duty to maintain the standards set by EMDR Europe.
EMDR training is an intensive, challenging but hugely rewarding experience for those who fully engage in the training process. If you attend all components we are confident you will end up with a very useful therapeutic approach to add to your clinical skill set.
We thank you, again, for choosing EMDR Academy as your training provider and the whole training team are really look forward to meeting you and working with you during the course.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.